Who we are

We are Mark Dyball and Lynn Davis and we are keen amateur gardeners,  growing fruit and vegetables in the back garden for nearly thirty years.  We are now developing our passion into a business and Mark has completed the Royal Horticultural Society Level 2 diploma in Horticulture to add a theoretical underpinning to our practical experience.

Mark – On the new allotment

Lynn – The sweet pea queen

To be honest we have always found it easier to get motivated to put in the love, care and attention that plants thrive on when we have been looking to eat the results of our efforts.  Rather less than 20% of our garden is set aside for fruit and veg, but these bits probably get more than 80% of the effort that goes in.

You can see more of what we do at home on this page.

We are the proud holders of two allotments, and Lynn is proud to say that we have not bought a potato for four years! The allotments have given us the scope to spread our wings (pun intended) and grow a much bigger range of crops.  You can see more of what we have done in the allotment on this page.

We both have a background in science and are naturally curious, so were keen to back up our practical experience with theoretical study. Mark completed the Royal Horticultural Society’s Level 2 Diploma in 2013 (passing with commendation). Lynn has begun her studies in 2015 and aims to surpass Mark’s grades next summer. Studying horticulture has increased our interest of ornamental gardening, and we are delighted that most of our clients come to us for this aspect of our service.

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