Garden Tips – August 2020

Unlike shrub roses, rambling roses only flower once in a season, so now that they have finished, prune them back to tidy up the framework (some ramblers are extremely vigorous and will soon get out of hand if not cared for). Some ramblers have beautiful hips, so let these develop for autumn colour and wildlife food.

Late August is a good time to trim evergreen hedges. Birds should have finished nesting and growth will start to slow down as the days shorten, so you may not need to do it again this year.

Now that the soil is nice and warm, it is the perfect time to apply nematodes for Vine Weevil control. Notched edges to leaves are a sure sign of vine weevils, so treat now to get rid of the grubs that are living underground or in your pots and containers. Another pest to look out for at this time of year is Rosemary beetle.

Prune restricted forms of apples and pears such as cordons, fans and espaliers. Clear out long upright growth to leave compact fruiting spurs and to allow light in to the ripening fruit.

Pear Fan Aug 2020

Pear Fan Aug 2020

If we have a wet and humid period, then watch out for blight on potatoes. If there is an outbreak, cut back and burn foliage and then later on lift the tubers, inspect them carefully and only store sound ones.

Harvest and enjoy summer fruits and vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, soft squashes, beans and Sweetcorn will all be at their peak.

Tomatoes 5 Aug 2018

Tomatoes 5 Aug 2018

A colourful harvest

A colourful harvest

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