Garden Tips – May 2020

Plants are growing quickly now, so make sure that you’ve got supports in for taller herbaceous perennials like Delphiniums. The end of the month is also time for the “Chelsea Chop” to keep herbaceous perennials compact and strong. Weeds are also growing well now, so hand weed or hoe nice and early to stop them getting a strong hold.

If you are looking to increase stocks of your favourite plants, May is the perfect time for softwood cuttings of Fuchsias, Pelargoniums and Verbena.

Fuchsia Cuttings

Fuchsia Cuttings

As the risk of frosts passes, you can start to harden off and plant out tender plants like Cannas and Dahlias and get creative by planting up summer containers. As the weather warms up, remember to keep watering anything that you planted over the winter/spring. They’ll need a full year to get properly established.

Grass will now be growing strongly and as well as mowing, feeding and scarifying will help to improve both the health and look of lawns.

Raspberry canes will be sprouting vigorously now, so thin out your bed and also remove the stray canes that are starting to spread, otherwise your whole garden will soon be a raspberry patch.

As in the ornamental garden, make sure that you’ve got supports ready in the kitchen garden for beans, peas and other taller plants. Tie in peas regularly until they start to support themselves.  We have found that using left over bits of rabbit fence supported by a couple of sturdy stakes provides a nice framework for pea tendrils to cling to.

Peas clinging to rabbit fencing

Peas clinging to rabbit fencing

Warmer weather also brings out the critters, Viburnum beetles will be appearing now and pheromone traps amongst apples and pears will highlight the presence of Codling moths.

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